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Expecting? Here’s a roadmap for your birthing preferences.

For expecting mothers, the number of factors to consider during labor, delivery and recovery can be daunting—especially for first-timers. Because each pregnancy is unique, it’s important to map out all possibilities for different scenarios and determine your preferences for when the baby comes.

The Mother Baby Center is dedicated to providing as many birthing options as clinically feasible, and will help you make the choices necessary to ensure your safety and the safety of your newborn while encouraging a comfortable and positive overall experience. Using this worksheet, we recommend that you begin to think about what your ideal scenario for giving birth would be. Planning ahead will alleviate unnecessary stress as the due date approaches.

“As your provider, we want to make sure your labor experience is everything you hoped it would be,” said Deborah Krahl, MD, a gynecologist with Allina who began delivering babies at the Center when it opened in February. “It is best to bring your birth plan to one of your OB visits before labor starts so we can discuss it and make sure it is something we can safely follow throughout the process.”

Birth plans can include as much or as little detail as you feel appropriate, related to issues ranging from medical intervention to the amount of pillows you prefer to sleep on.

Questions to consider for when you go into labor:

  • Who else would you like to be present?
  • What can the nurses do to maintain your comfort level?
  • What role would you prefer in the decision making process should there be complications?

Questions to consider for when you are giving birth:

  • Who else do you want in the room for the birth?
  • Which birth positions do you prefer/want to try?
  • Are you open to the possibility of a C-section?

Questions to consider for after you give birth:

  • Who would you like to see shortly after your baby is born?
  • Who do you wish to contact to share the news?
  • Do you anticipate needing assistance with taking care of your baby shortly after giving birth?

We suggest printing off and bringing multiple copies of your birth plan to share with each of the providers who will help you throughout your stay at the Center. Regardless of your individual preferences, a well-defined birth plan establishes a healthy channel of communication that will allow us to provide you with the optimal care to ensure a positive outcome for you and your baby.