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The Mother Baby spotlight on Peggy Stoks, RN

The Mother Baby Center is made up of an extraordinary staff of talented, dedicated health care professionals. This week, we’d like to introduce Peggy Stoks, RN.

What is your job title? Describe your role. 

I am a staff nurse on the labor and birthing unit at The Mother Baby Center. In addition to helping families welcome their new babies into the world in the usual way, I also care for patients undergoing Cesarean birth and other procedures that occur in our operating rooms. At TMBC, we also see a number of patients who have premature, high-risk and complicated pregnancies, and I’m often assigned to these moms. And while, sadly, no one likes to think about pregnancy loss, it does happen, and I do my best to care for and journey with these families every step of the way. This job has taught me — and continues to teach me — so very much. To sum it up: Being a labor nurse is amazing and humbling and wonderful.

What’s the best part about working at The Mother Baby Center?

The people I work with and the people I care for are the best part of the job. I can’t count the number of times I’ve either thought or said out loud, “I have the best job in the world!”

What is your favorite activity outside of work?

I have a lot of favorite activities: I love simply to be active, to practice yoga, to be outdoors, to spend time with my husband, family and friends, to play with my grandchildren, and to spend time at our cabin. And when I’m not doing any of those things, I love reading great fiction.

What’s a little-known, fun fact about you?

My coworkers already know this, but thanks to my daughter and her hobby farm, I now know how to milk and take care of goats. I find them to be very stubborn and contrary creatures. While engaged in a you shall not pass this gate battle with a certain goat, its head pushed between my knees and somehow the momentum led to me falling backward and taking an inadvertent ride on her back — right through the gate. I might mention that goats are also very strong.