The Mother Baby Center is made up of an extraordinary staff of talented, dedicated health care professionals. This week, we’d like to introduce Erin Rosenberger, RN.
What is your job title? Describe your role.
I am a staff registered nurse and have been in labor and delivery for a little more than a year. My role is to assist and support women and their families through the labor process. This includes:
- Advocating for and guiding them through their ideal delivery, if possible, without compromising the safety of the mother or the baby
- Keeping everyone informed and educated about any concerns that may change that delivery plan
- Coaching the mother through the labor process — from early contractions, to pushing effectively, to recovery and breastfeeding
- Making sure the family feels safe and cared for throughout their delivery experience
What’s the best part about working at The Mother Baby Center?

This seemingly simple question is by far the hardest to answer. I love everything about working at The Mother Baby Center! Obviously, watching and having an active role in the miracle of birth again and again is breathtaking.
As a nurse, I love my patient population. These patients are mostly young and healthy, generally coming in for one of the happiest events in their lives. It is so special to be able to be a part of that. The bond that I make with some of my patients in a few short hours is incredibly fun. The beautiful environment we work in provides so many options to deliver care in a calm, soothing, supportive way without sacrificing safety.
I also love working here because of my extraordinary coworkers, especially my amazing night crew! Whether it’s the nurses, aids, hospital unit coordinators (HUCs) or the cleaning crew, we truly work as a team to make sure every patient is safe and well cared for. As a newer nurse to labor and delivery, I feel like someone always has my back. With these knowledgeable nurses around me, I feel supported and am able to ask any question I need and they will help me work through the current dilemma. My coworkers make it a fun and exciting place to work.
What is your favorite activity outside of work?
I like to stay active. I enjoy team activities like recreational kickball or broomball, or biking around the lakes with my girlfriend.
What’s a little-known, fun fact about you?
In college, I played women’s rugby for five years. Rugby is a game similar to football that is full tackle, but without pads. After college, I coached the team for almost 10 years. This coaching experience has taught me more in life than I expected and has been more useful in my current career than I could have imagined.
My favorite part about teaching these young women was explaining something completely new and scary to them then making each aspect understandable and exciting. I enjoyed watching young freshman start to gain confidence, and by the time they’re seniors they realize they’re stronger than they thought. These girls could handle just about anything that came their way (something I hoped they would use off the field, too).
Now in labor and delivery, I have just eight short hours to do the same thing with a laboring patient. Coaching a patient through the long road of labor and seeing the determination in their eyes when they realize that they really can do this and are stronger than they thought possible makes this job more rewarding than I ever imagined.